"Uncertain about your death? Your afterlife guide dog is here!" Welcome to the underworld's most trusted and beloved companion, Kerby, Tartarus' Hell Hound, your guide to the mysteries and wonders of the afterlife. With fiery ambition and three heads full of wit and charm, Kerby embodies the essence of Cerberus, Hades' loyal guardian of the gates of the underworld.
Born from the depths of Tartarus itself, Kerby emerges as a beacon of both solace and mischief, ready to accompany souls on their journey through the realms of the departed. But don't let her infernal origins fool you—this three-headed wonder has a playful side too! When she's not busy navigating the twists and turns of the underworld, you can often find Kerby unleashing her chaotic spirit in the streaming world.
From awkward and clumsy fumbles in League of Legends to hilariously chaotic antics in Valorant, Kerby dives headfirst into the world of esports, bringing her own unique flair to the virtual arena. With each misstep of her fiery claws and every playful bark of encouragement, she captivates audiences with her endearing clumsiness and infectious enthusiasm for trolling her opponents AND comrades. Join her as she paws through the veil between worlds, offering guidance, laughter, and a touch of otherworldly magic to all who dare to journey alongside her—both in the afterlife and on the digital battlegrounds of gaming.